If you have an RV that has to be stored for a few months or longer, you will need to make sure that you are taking the proper precautions so it remains in the best possible shape. You simply cannot pull next to a garage and be done with it. Take the following steps to ensure that the RV will be ready to go the next time you want to go on a road trip.
Check For Cracks
You need to make sure that all cracks in the door and window seals are properly sealed. If there are any seals that are in really bad shape, to the point that they are pealing off of the RV, you will want to have them replaced. This way, you will not have to worry about any moisture seeping in behind the walls of the RV.
Cover With Care
If you are not able to store your RV inside of a garage or storage facility, you may want to cover it with an RV cover. However, not all covers are created the same in terms of quality. Make sure that you are purchasing a cover that is crafted of breathable material. This will ensure that any moisture that collects under the cover will be able to be dried up. When the moisture is not allowed to dry up, you may notice that you will have a lot of trouble with mold growth.
Deal With The Electronics
Even though your RV may not be tapped into an electrical outlet while it is being stored, you will want to take action to prevent any accidents happening, such as the draining of the RV battery. Unplug all electrical devices, including the refrigerator if possible. Do not leave any phone chargers plugged in. After unplugging everything, you will want to locate the breakers and flip the main one to the off position. Just to be on the safe side, you will want to take it a step further and remove all batteries from the clocks that may be on the walls in the RV. If you are leaving flashlights in the RV, you will want to remove the batteries. This way, you will not have to worry about them going bad and then leaking all over your stuff.
With those tips in mind, along with any others that you come across, you should have no problem getting your RV ready to be stored whether it will be for a few weeks or many months. And for more information and tips, talk with a professional RV storage facility, such as Drydock Depot RV Boat Storage.
Share20 January 2017
When I was a child, I remember the time I shared with a special uncle fondly. During the summer, he would take me fishing at my family’s pond. Sometimes, we would fish quietly at the dock. He would occasionally steer me around the pond in a little boat. A few days ago, I found out that I will inherit the family pond. I’m extremely excited about the possibility of purchasing a boat to ride around in with my future kids. On this blog, you will learn how to shop for the perfect pleasure boat for a small body of water. Enjoy!