A Gymnastic Birthday Party For Young Children
Recreation & Sports
A gymnastics birthday party can be a fun and active way for 5 to 12-year-old children to celebrate a friend's birthday. If you have a young child and want to host a memorable party for their birthday, consider having it at a local gymnasium. Children can be invited to the birthday party and asked to come to a local gymnasium at a certain time and to wear athletic shoes and active wear. They can be met at the door by gymnastics instructors and guided to a party room where they are told that they will learn how to be gymnasts during the party. Here are some of the activities and games that can be played during a gymnastics birthday party:
- Trampoline Jump and Bounce - Children can be shown how to jump on a trampoline and bounce on their feet, hands, back, and butt. Gymnastics instructors can accompany each child on the trampoline and instruct them to how to jump and bounce correctly.
- Cartwheels - Children can be guided by instructors to do cartwheels across a padded floor. Each child is given personal attention as they are taught the proper way to run, place their hands on the floor, and swing their legs through the air so that they land on their feet. A gymnastics instructor can help each child by guiding their legs to make a complete cartwheel circle.
- Ball Bounce - Each child is given a bouncy ball with a hand grip. They are instructed to straddle the ball and bounce their way down a path from one end of the gym to a finish line. The children can be told to stagger their start on the bounce path so that 2 or 3 of them are on the path at the same time.
- Obstacle Course - Gym instructors can set up an obstacle course around the perimeter of the gym for each child to race through. The children can jump over foam blocks and barriers and make their way through a rubber ball pit. They can be assisted by gym instructors to use the monkey bars and gymnastic rings. They can be guided to crawl through a long tube and catch a ball and throw it into a basket.
- Beam Exercises - Children can be shown how to hop on one end of a low beam and jump or turn as they make their way to the other end of the beam. Gym instructors can help younger children by supporting their lower back or holding their hand as they make their way across the beam.
- Follow the Leader Dancing - Music can be played and children can be shown how to make specific movements as an instructor calls them out such as hop, jump, hands up, wiggle, and make a train. This dancing exercise can be held in the middle of the room where gymnasts perform their floor exercises.
- Athletic Awards - All children who come to the birthday party and participate in the gymnastic exercises and games can be given a plastic gold medal on a ribbon to wear around their neck. These athletic awards can be purchased at any party supply store or online.
- Birthday Cake and Ice Cream - After the children have completed all of the games and activities and are wearing their gold medals, they can be invited back into the party room in the gymnasium to have cake and ice cream and sing happy birthday to the birthday boy or girl.
- Birthday Party Favors - At the end of the birthday party, each child can be given a goodie bag with party favors such as a t-shirt with the name of the gym printed on the front, a coloring book with pictures of different athletic activities, a pack of colored markers, a colorful wristband, a bottle of bubbles with a bubble wand, a package of temporary tattoos, a pair of colorful socks, a plastic water bottle, and a chocolate bar with a personalized printed label with the name of the birthday boy or girl.
A birthday party at gymnasium (like Brown's Gymnastics) is a fun and healthy way to get young children to exercise their muscles and brains at a birthday celebration. You can also ask the parents of the birthday guests to stay and watch all the fun. Be sure to take lots of photographs of the children participating in the games and activities and send them or email them to each of the birthday party guests as this is a party that everyone will want to remember.
30 August 2016